Inglês para Computação
LE530 (Computer Sciences & Engineering)
Rafael Nonato
Room D005 (CCEN), Mondays from 8am until 12am, 2020.1
Google Classroom code: n4plbif
- Course Subject: Deep Learning
- Evaluation
- Activities (50% of the grade)
- Activities must be handed in before the next class.
- Activities handed in late are worth only half as much.
- Activities handed in later than a week are worth nothing.
- Midterm exam (25% of the grade)
- Final project (25% of the grade)
- Training a neural net to be able to recognize a pattern
- Roll call
- Students who sign the English fluency self-assessment can have some of their absences excused.
- Platforms
- This website
- Google Classroom
Class 1 (2020-02-02)
Class 2 (2020-02-09)

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